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Brazilian Journal of Enviromnent

e-ISSN: 2595-4431


Urbanization causes significant changes in streams, modifying the structure of communities, eliminating sensitive species and favoring tolerant and non-native species. In this study, we characterized the ichthyofauna of urban streams in the northwestern metropolitan region of São Paulo and compared the compositional changes with previous studies conducted in the same region. The study was conducted in seven urban streams in São José do Rio Preto and Bady Bassitt, SP. The ichthyofauna was sampled in 80-meter stretches, together with the Physical Habitat Index (PHI) and the physicochemical characteristics of the water. Five streams were classified as poor and two as regular according to the PHI. Ten species and 2,305 individuals were collected, with Poecilia reticulata Peters 1959 dominating in frequency and abundance. The species richness in current streams is significantly lower than in the previous history. Furthermore, the analysis of the diet revealed only two trophic guilds, detritivore and insectivore, with a predominance of Chironomidae larvae. Through the study, we identified that urbanization affects the ichthyofauna of northwestern São Paulo, reducing species richness and diversity, favoring the dominance of a non-native species and the predominance of the consumption of detritus and Chironomidae larvae. The results highlighted the relationship between the physical quality of the environment and the composition of the ichthyofauna, showing that more heterogeneous environmental conditions allow for greater species diversity. Finally, this work reinforces the importance of integrated measures for the restoration of physical habitats, effluent control and control of invasive species for the recovery of urban streams.


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2025 Bianca, Isabel, Wellington, Vitor, Yullia, Poliana, Lilian Casatti

Paper information


  • Received: 17/12/2024
  • Published: 08/03/2025