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Brazilian Journal of Enviromnent

e-ISSN: 2595-4431


Water is an indispensable natural resource for the survival of living beings, as well as for performing anthropic activities. However, in urban areas, watercourses are directly affected by impacting activities, making these resources increasingly scarce and degraded. The objective of this work is to analyze the water quality index (WQI) of the Cintra River, located in the city of Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, and indicate the current state of conservation of the watercourse. Water samples were collected and physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes were performed in four distinct points of the Cintra River. The WQI analyzed indicated that the watercourse has a good degree of preservation only in the nascent area. In the other points analyzed, the WQI indicated a reasonable or poor state of preservation. The discharge of effluents and the irregular disposal of solid wastes are the most significant impacts on the degradation of the Cintra River. Uncontrolled urbanization, as well as the removal of vegetation present on the banks of the Cintra River, are other factors that contribute to its degradation. The current state of conservation of this river may represent serious public health problems, since waterborne diseases may affect the population.Water is an indispensable natural resource for the survival of living beings, as well as for performing anthropic activities. However, in urban areas, watercourses are directly affected by impacting activities, making these resources increasingly scarce and degraded. The objective of this work is to analyze the water quality index (WQI) of the Cintra River, located in the city of Montes Claros, state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil, and indicate the current state of conservation of the watercourse. Water samples were collected and physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes were performed in four distinct points of the Cintra River. The WQI analyzed indicated that the watercourse has a good degree of preservation only in the nascent area. In the other points analyzed, the WQI indicated a reasonable or poor state of preservation. The discharge of effluents and the irregular disposal of solid wastes are the most significant impacts on the degradation of the Cintra River. Uncontrolled urbanization, as well as the removal of vegetation present on the banks of the Cintra River, are other factors that contribute to its degradation. The current state of conservation of this river may represent serious public health problems, since waterborne diseases may affect the population.


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Paper information


  • Received: 13/05/2020
  • Published: 21/09/2020