Caracterización de la composición química de Pontederia crassipes de la laguna de Casa Blanca y el río Coatzacoalcos en el estado de Veracruz (Mexico)



Biomass, Grupos funcionales, Biomateriales.


Water lily (Pontederia crassipes) is a common hydrophytic plant present in many water bodies, however, its potential is underestimated in various applications. This study aimed to characterize their chemical composition and morphology, as well as to explore their possible sustainable applications. Consequently, water lily samples were collected and FTIR and SEM analyses were performed to understand its chemical and morphological structure. The results revealed that water lily is rich in cellulose and lignin, which makes it ideal for the removal of contaminants and various biotechnological applications. In addition, its possibilities in the production of biodegradable materials, bioplastics and biofuels are highlighted. Although the influence of geographical variations in its composition is recognized, this study lays the foundation for further research and the development of sustainable technologies that may take advantage of this underestimated resource. Its implications range from solving environmental problems to benefiting society and industry, promoting valuable and sustainable solutions in a global context.

Biografia do Autor

Celia Gabriela Sierra, El Colegio de Veracruz

Dr. Celia Gabriela Sierra-Carmona holds a Ph.D. in Sustainable Regional Development from El Colegio de Veracruz. She is a multidisciplinary researcher, with a focus on sustainability studies and waste management. Her main objective is to contribute to regional development through sustainable alternatives for environmental care. Currently, she is a research professor at the Higher Technological Institute of Xalapa and is part of the faculty of the Ph.D. program in Sustainable Regional Development at El Colegio de Veracruz.

Cynthia Wong Arguelles, Tecnológico Nacional de México campus Ciudad Valles

Ph.D. and Master's degrees in Environmental Sciences from the Multidisciplinary Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences of the Environmental Agenda of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí. She is an adjunct professor in the Environmental Engineering program and a researcher at the Technological Institute of Ciudad Valles since 2012, working on various projects related to the utilization of agro-industrial waste, water quality, environmental pollution, and soil analysis.

María Graciela Hernández Orduña, El Colegio de Veracruz

Graduate in Physics, Master and Doctor of Sciences. Full-Time Research Professor at El Colegio de Veracruz (COLVER), where she also served as coordinator of the Academy of Sustainable Regional Development and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Sustainable Regional Development SNP-CONACyT 003434, she is Editor-in-Chief of the International Magazine of Sustainable Regional Development (RINDERESU). Member of the National System of Researchers Area VII - Agricultural, Forestry and Ecosystem Sciences. His research lines are: Sustainable Agricultural Innovation, Efficiency and Sustainability of Water Use and Exploratory Analysis of Spatial Data. She is the author of scientific articles published in JCR magazines, book chapters and books. she has the industrial patent “Seed Planting Robot Remotely Controlled Through a Wireless Network”. Patent title 387678 and is part of the “Science Mentors” program of the British Council.

Rene Murrieta Galindo, El Colegio de Veracruz

Dr. Rene Murrieta-Galindo is a biologist, with a Master's degree in Wildlife Management and a Ph.D.  in sciences (Conservation), both from the Institute of Ecología, A.C. in México. He is an enthusiastic researcher-ecologist with an emphasis on multidisciplinary studies on the conservation of natural resources. His research interests are to contribute with his knowledge to issues of relevance between the relationships and interactions among human and natural resources that lead to solutions to socio-environmental well-being. He currently belongs to the Academy of Sustainable Regional Development at El Colegio de Veracruz as a researcher and coordinator of the Doctorate in Sustainable Regional Development.


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Tecnologias e Estudos Ambientais